Recently, I have been working on implementing deep reinforcement learning support for my PowerRAFT project, which is written Rust. Naturally, the first step was to install Tch-rs, the Rust bindings of PyTorch, which depends on libtorch. Tch-rs can install libtorch automatically using the download-libtorch feature. However, due to the large file size of libtorch, it’s preferable to use the same libtorch installation in both Python and Rust. This also avoids installing libtorch for each project that depends on Tch-rs. Besides, it seems like you have to install libtorch manually if you want CUDA 12.1 support with Tch-rs.

Install PyTorch

First, you need to make sure that the correct version of PyTorch is installed. As of 2023-12-27, Tch-rs v0.14.0 supports libtorch v2.1.0 according to its README file. The following command will install this version using PIP with CUDA 12.1 support:

pip install --upgrade torch==2.1.0 torchvision==0.16.0 torchaudio==2.1.0

It’s also possible to install PyTorch using Conda and use its libtorch.

PyTorch v2.1.1 also seems to work with Tch-rs, although I didn’t test it thoroughly. If you want to use a different version like that, you need to set the LIBTORCH_BYPASS_VERSION_CHECK environment variable.

Determine the Library Path

We need to figure out where the dynamic library files of libtorch are located. To do that, start an interactive Python command shell and run the following commands:

>>> import torch
>>> torch.__file__

You will get the library path when you replace the part with lib. In this example, the path we need to add to LD_LIBRARY_PATH is:


Note that if you are using a Conda environment, the same Conda environment must be active when you run your Rust project.

Configure Environment Variables

Next, append the following to your .bashrc:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/home/ilker/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/lib"

The path in the second line must be the one that you found in the previous section.

The first line tells Tch-rs to use the Python installation of libtorch. The second line is required so that your Rust program can find the libtorch’s dynamic libraries during runtime.

Don’t forget to restart your shell.

After this, you should be able to add tch as a dependency to your Rust project normally. Cargo will take care of the rest.

I hope this post was helpful.